Thursday, November 15, 2007

Deadline #12, HW# 9 Deadline Reflection

This deadline was really good because it helped me to look more into detail my paper and helped me make good revisions for the final. I realized I need to be more direct with my theisis and it was good to read some of the other students essays to better mine.


Deadline #12, HW #8 Peer Reflection

I commented on Coralee Harding's blog.

Deadline #12, HW #8 Peer Reflection

I commented on Coralee Harding's blog.

Deadline #12, HW #7

I helped revise Kathy Lacey's essay on Children and the Internet.

Deadline #12, HW #6 Page Layout

I used the white space in my essay for the heading to show that the text below is related to the header. I used margin on my paper on my word processer. I used the heading and subheadings on a couple things, but I did not number or bullet any information.

Deadline #12, HW #5 Figurative Language

I think I used some figurative language in my paper already.............

There is a divine right of political parties just as much as there is a divine right of kings.

Deadline #12, HW #4

This patronizing needs to change in America because America.......... I use the word patronizing to show that our federal goverment system is effect us personally.

There is a divine right of political parties just as much as there is a divine right of I sarcastically make a joke about political parties being law hopeing to pass the point that people can step outside the norm and vote for muliti party canidates.

You could compare the method of passing a bill to a court case scenario; republicans and democrats being opposing attorneys. I use puncuation to present an example or an idea I had about the opposing attorneys while passing a bill.