Thursday, September 27, 2007

Deadline #5, HW #4

One book that I would find beneficial to my research would be "Why Parties? The Orgin and Transformation of Political Parties in America" written by John H. Aldrich. This book goes into details of the start of political parties and why America even started this system for elections in the first place. It talks about pros and cons and also what it started out as to what it is today.
The second book I could find good information in is the "Encyclopedia of American Political Parties & Elections." by Larry J. Sabato and Howard R. Ernest. This book would be good to research elections and decisions in the past that have can better answer my research question.

1 comment:

Jared Zucker said...

For an annotated bibliography you need to cite the source you will use, and then explain about it like you did. There some online annotated bibliography creators which are very helpful.