Thursday, November 1, 2007

Deadline #10, HW #1 Reading Reflection

Today we read in Everything’s an Argument chapter 10 and 11. In chapter 10 - Causal Arguments, it talks about how all situations can be arguments and how to break down the process of a causal argument. It talks about arguments that state a cause and then examine its effects or arguments that state an effect and then trace the effect back to its causes. The last one talks about a cause that leads to a cause that can lead to many causes that essentially leads to an effect. When talking about characterizing casual arguments it talks about how they are often part of other augments or how they are almost always complex arguments. It talks about how the arguments are often definition based or how they usually yield probable rather than absolute conclusions. It talked about developing casual arguments. It talked about how to format a claim and how to develop the argument. It also went through the steps of claim, reason, warrant, evidence, claim, reason, warrant, evidence. It also talked about considering design and visuals and key features of casual arguments.
In chapter 11 it talks about proposals. It talks about understanding and categorizing proposals. It goes into detail the different kind of proposals such as practices and policies. It also helps break down proposals and their characterization. It helps define how to develop a good proposal like making a strong and clear claim while defining the need or problem. Making a strong and clear claim includes the processes of claim, reason, warrant, evidence.

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